First, let's kill the sick people.
"Let's kill all the lawyers" is a line from William Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. The full quote is "The first thing...

Trump’s legal team is a disgrace and not what lawyers do.
Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow are both lawyers. They are both allegedly on President Donald Trump’s legal team, but their actions are a...

One tweet proves the value of the right to remain silent and why you use it.
The 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution grants to everyone the right to remain silent and the right against...

The trial penalty and how to avoid it.
A national lawyer’s group dedicated to protecting criminal defendants is, again, sounding the alarm about the threat that lawyers call...

Women lawyers still face discrimination
A friend of mine, a female lawyer whom I respect greatly, shared an article on social media today that has import for lawyers and...

BMX promoter wins $8.8 million from wife's lover in bizarre lawsuit.
DURHAM, N.C. – A San Antonio man who was ordered to pay $8.8 million his lover’s jilted husband is appealing the ridiculous verdict. The...

Giuliani antics lead to Shakespearean downfall
Perhaps the most fascinating element of the epic scandals involving United States President Donald Trump is the Shakespearean fall of...

Growing confirmation bias endangers jury system
The jury trial system was designed to allow everyday Americans to sit in judgment of their neighbors accused of a crime. The concept is...

Domestic violence against women is rooted in monogamy. Research shows rejection of this concept redu
The statistics nationwide show something fascinating. The most dangerous place for a woman to be in America is in a relationship. That’s...

For lawyers - don't hand the prosecutor the win!
No lawyer wants to run out on a limb and have the limb cut off. The way to prevent yourself from being placed in that embarrassing – and...